who either receives funding from or who currently is employed by, studies at, or conducts research at or on behalf of, or has been employed by, studied at, or conducted research at or on behalf of, an entity in the PRC that implements or supports the PRC’s “military-civil fusion strategy” is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.
Key technologies being targeted under MCF include quantum computing(量子计算), big data(大数据), semiconductors(半导体), 5G, advanced nuclear technology(高级核技术), aerospace technology(航空航天技术), and AI(人工智能)(来源:美国国务院)
先别慌,因为如果真是这样的话,美国大学内心更是万马奔腾。原因很简单,中国但凡接受过国家科研经费的高校,都或多或少的涉足了上述相关专业的学习和研究。那也就是说,基本上所有的985及211院校,甚至于部分一本双非类院校,均在受影响之列。而....部分美国高校(特别是排名前30的高校)是有自己的List of Target School的,这些将会波及到的学校学生均在目标招收之列,且每年中国学生的学费都是美国院校的重要收入来源之一。我们来做一个假设,如果该声明被严格执行,加上疫情及连锁反应,那么美国的各大高校,可能会面临破产的风险。。。这种境况显然不是美国校方所愿意看到的,他们也不会轻言放弃由中国留学生亲自送来的这一块大饼!