哈佛:“Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over the world,with diverse backgrounds and far-ranging talents and interests.”(哈佛欢迎世界各地的有不同背景、才能、兴趣的学生)
耶鲁:也提到虽然他们收到的75%的申请者在学术上都是满足要求的,但是“the great majority of students who are admitted[are those who]stand out from the rest.”(被录取的绝大多数学生是能在人群中脱颖而出的)
普林斯顿:“It is our mission at Princeton to ensure that our community is as diverse and intellectually stimulating as possible.”(我们的任务是确保普林斯顿的学生群体尽可能保持多样化、能激发智力和思维的发展)
斯坦福:“We believe that the best education can develop only in a vibrant,diverse community that actively affirms both the differences among its members and their numerous points of connection.”(我们坚信只在有一个充满生机的、多样化的群体中,教育才能发展。这样的群体既要有互不相同的成员,成员之间也要有多样的连接点。)
哥伦比亚大学:“Columbia is committed to creating and supporting a community diverse in every way”(哥伦比亚致力于创造并支持一个在每种意义上都具有多样性的群体)